
Daniele Genadry
Mountain rise, 2024
Acrylique et huile sur toile
151,5 x 362,5 cm
Pièce unique
Crédit Photo : Aurélien Mole (septembre 2024)

Daniele Genadry
Barriers (obstructed vison), 2020
Acrylique et huile sur toile
215 x 290 cm
Pièce unique
Courtesy Daniele Genadry & Galerie In Situ-fabienne leclerc, Grand Paris
© Marc Domage

Daniele Genadry
Exhibition view
"Staring in place"
Galerie In Situ-fabienne leclerc, Grand Paris
© Marc Domage

Daniele Genadry
Jirid I, 2020
Acrylique et huile sur panneau de bois
35 x 50 cm ( 39 x 54 cm encadré )
Pièce unique
Courtesy Daniele Genadry & Galerie In Situ-fabienne leclerc, Grand Paris
© Marc Domage

Daniele Genadry
Slow Light - Exhibition views, 2018
BAC - Beirut Art Center - Lebanon
© Baris Dogrusoz & Courtesy the artist and Beirut Art Center
Galerie In Situ-fabienne leclerc, Grand Paris

Daniele Genadry
Bluegreen Lake V, 2020
Mine de plomb sur papier Mylar
28 x 35 cm ( 30 x 37,5 x 2,3 cm encadré )
Pièce unique
Courtesy Daniele Genadry & Galerie In Situ-fabienne leclerc, Grand Paris

Daniele Genadry
Lakelight, 2017
Acrylique et huile sur toile
149 x 204 cm
Pièce unique

Daniele Genadry
Slow Light - Exhibition views, 2018
BAC - Beirut Art Center - Lebanon
© Baris Dogrusoz & Courtesy the artist and Beirut Art Center
Courtesy Daniele Genadry & Galerie In Situ-fabienne leclerc, Grand Paris

Daniele Genadry
Via Appia, 2014
Group 5 #3
Mine de plomb sur papier Mylar
30 x 22 cm
Pièce unique
Courtesy Daniele Genadry & Galerie In Situ-fabienne leclerc, Grand Paris

Daniele Genadry
Between Saida and Sur (Saida IV), 2009
Acrylique et sérigraphie sur papier
70 x 100 cm ( 73,5 x 103,5 cm encadré )
Pièce unique
Courtesy Daniele Genadry & Galerie In Situ-fabienne leclerc, Grand Paris

Daniele Genadry
Green Lake (trees), 2014
Mine de plomb sur papier Mylar
22,4 x 29,7 cm ( 25,2 x 32,4 cm encadré )
Pièce unique
Courtesy Daniele Genadry & Galerie In Situ-fabienne leclerc, Grand Paris


Née en 1980

Daniele Genadry travaille avec divers médias pour examiner comment la distance, la lumière et le mouvement affectent les expériences visuelles. Sa pratique est centrée sur la relation entre la peinture et la photographie, et à travers elle, elle considère le potentiel d'une image à générer sa propre temporalité (lumière), et comment un champ de vision médiatisé peut sensibiliser notre perception.
Genadry a étudié au Dartmouth College, NH (BA 2002) et à la Slade School of Art, Londres (MFA 2008). Elle a participé à des résidences au Bronx Museum, au Anderson Ranch Art Center, à la NARS Foundation (USA), à la Fondazione Ratti, à la Villa Lena (Italie) et au Frans Masereel Centrum (Belgique). En 2013-2014, elle a été boursière de l'Abbaye de la British School de Rome et est a été boursière de la Fondation Bogliasco (IT, 2019). 
Parmi ses expositions personnelles récentes, mentionnons le Beirut Art Center, le Sursock Museum, la Gypsum Gallery et la Taymour Grahne Gallery. Elle a participé à la 13ème Biennale  de Sharjah, organisée par Christine Tohme, à la Biennale del Sur (Tucuman), organisée par Nayla Tamraz, et a exposé ses oeuvres SMBA, Amsterdam ; Transition Gallery, Londres ; Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome et The Bronx Museum. Daniele Genadry est professeur adjoint d'arts plastiques à l'Université américaine de Beyrouth.

Télécharger la biographie complète



MFA    The Slade School of Fine Art, London, UK Fine Art, 2008
-       American University of Beirut, Lebanon  Research Fellow, CBR, 2005
BA        Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA Studio Art and Mathematics, 2002 

Expositons personnelles

daylight, galerie In Situ - fabienne leclerc, Grand Paris, FR


, Tour de la Chaîne & La Chapelle des Dames Blanches, La Rochelle, FR

4eme lieu, Saint Malo, FR
Jameel Artist's Room, Dubaï, EAU

Hotel La Vague, Saint Paul de Vence, FR

Recomposing Light, Centre Intermondes, La Rochelle, FR

Staring in place, galerie in Situ - fabienne leclerc, Romainville, FR


Slow Light, Beirut Art Center, Beirut, LB

Light Fall, Gypsum Gallery, Cairo, EG

The Fall, Sursock Museum, Beirut, LB

Missing Real, Taymour Grahne Gallery, New York, NY

Blindspot, Agial Gallery, Beirut, LB
Slightlines (CEL), Coop Gallery, Nashville, TN

La Piscine, Agial Gallery, Beirut, LB

White Montain Overlook, AVA Gallery, LB

Altered Landscapes, Taylor Gallery, Meridan, NH

Recent Work, Ward Center Gallery, Baltimore, MD

Expositions collectives

At the Edge of Land,
JameelArts Centre, Dubai, UAE
The Parliament of Marmots
, Biennale Gherdeina 9, IT

Six Landscapes
, IAIA, New York, US
At the Edge of Land, Havy Jameel, Jeddah, Arabie Saoudite


Et maintenant, le dessin..., In Situ - Fabienne Leclerc, Romainville, FR

Beirut Lab 1975(2020), Room Gallery, UCI Irvine, Californie, USA
La Fabrique des Illusions,
La Fabrique des Illusions
, curated by Francois Cheval and Yasmine Chemali, Sursock Museum, Beirut, LB

Tamawuj, Sharjah Biennal 13 curated by Christine Tohme, Sharjah UAE
Poetics, Politics, Place, curated by Nayla Tamraz, Bienial Sur, Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes, Tucuman, AR
Kindling, curated by Rachel Dedman, FOTOPUB 2017, Novo Mesto, SI
Ex Roma IV, APT Gallery, London

But Still Tomorrow Builds into My Face, Lawrie Shabibi Gallery, Dubai, UAE
Mimesis, Expression, Construction, Rose at Shaheen Saleeby Museum, Beirut, LB
Works on Paper, curated by Amanda Abi Khalil, Temporary Art Platform, Beirut, LB
A Verdant Summer, Taymour Ghrahne Gallery, New York, NY
Art Dubai, Taymour Grahne Gallery, Dubai, UAE

Roman Remains, Transition Gallery, London, UK
Somwhere Between, curated by Julie McKim, Art Helix, New York, USA
This is the Time. This is the Record of the Time, curated by Angela Harutynan and Nat Muller. AUB Galleries, Beyrouth

There Is No Place Like Home, Aurelia Antica 425, Rome, IT
This is the Time. This is the Record of the Time, curated by Angela Harutynan and Nat Muller. SMBA, Amsterdam, NL
ICONICA, curated by Bartolomeo Pietromarchi and Maria Alicata, Ponte Milvio, Rome, IT
Spazi Aperti, Romanian Academy, Rome, IT
HARD COPY, Pastificio Cerere, Rome, IT
March Mostra, British School at Rome, IT

Bronx Calling, 2nd AIM Biennial, Bronx Museum, New York, USA
Journeys through Our Heritage, Beirut centre des Expositions, Beirut, LB
After Hours, Kunsthalle Galapagos, Brooklyn, USA
Friday 13th, British School, Rome, IT
Part of the Story, curated by Julian Kreimer at LESP Gallery, New York, USA

Read Between the Lines, curated by Micaela Giovannotti ATLESP Gallery, New York, USA
Invitational Alumni Exhibition, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, NH
Mobility and Identity, Re Culture Festival, Agora Argyri, Patras, GR
All Things Are, Porter Mill, Beverly, MA

Making Sense, This must Be the Place, Brooklyn, USA
There/Not There,
Cindy Rucker Gallery, New York, USA
365 Days of Print, The Dumbo Arts Festival and Visual Arts Gallery, NJCU
Dialogues, Kingston Gallery Boston, USA 
Utopia Project 06-10,
Institut d'Art contemporain Grec, Athen, GR

C. Contemporaries, Collyer Bristow Gallery, London, UK
WHITE HEAT, Kaleid Editions, London
London Art Book Fair, Whitechapel Gallery, London
Land Without a Map, Jotta (à AAF), Battersea Park, London, UK
Crystalline Justice, Patton-Mallot Gallery, Snowmass, CO

Mezzo Tempo, Sycharth Gallery, Glyndwr University, Wrexham, Wales, UK

Will it snow for Christmas?, Tintype Gallery, London, UK
Postgraduate Printmaking in London 2008, Clifford Chance, London, UK
Slade MA/MFA Degree Show, Slade School of Art, London, UK
Correspondingly, Association de la presse étrangère, London, UK

Invisible Miracles, Careof/Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, IT

Résidences, bourses et prix

Cité internationale des Arts, section arts plastiques, Paris, FR


Bogliasco Foundation, Fellow, Italy 

Villa Lena Art Foundation, Artist in Residence, Italy 
AUB Faculty Development Grant for research in Florence and Rome, Italy, (June and July) 

The Basil H. Alkazzi Award for Excellence in Painting, NYFA, NYC   20,000 USD award for achievement in creative work in visual art (painting focus) 

Abbey Scholar, British School at Rome, Italy 
9-month fully funded fellowship award to create new work and research at the British School in Rome 

AIM Residency, Bronx Museum, NYC 

Keyholder Residency, Lower East Side Printshop, NYC 

Vytlacil Residency, Artist in Residence, Sparkill, NY  
365 Days of Print, Artist in Residence, February (online) 
NARS Foundation, Full Fellowship, Artist in Residence, Brooklyn, NY  

The Jean-Claude Reynal Scholarship, Finalist, FR 
East London Printmakers, Artist in Residence, London, UK   Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Artist in Residence, Colorado, USA  

Frans Masereel Centrum, Artist in Residence, BL

Utopia Project 2008: Utopia and Praxis, May 68 - May 08, Rethymno, Crete  
Alumni Scholarship, UCL, London 

Fondazione Ratti, Advanced Course in Visual Arts, Lake Como, IT  Spatiality, Project at Woburn Studios, Slade School of Art, London, UK  
Graduate Scholarship, UCL, London, UK

James B. Reynolds Fellowship, USA (for independent research in Beirut, Lebanon), LB

Chautauqua School of Art, Full Scholarship, Chautauqua, NY    Dartmouth General Fellowship, Hanover, NH  

Robert Read Art Prize, Hanover, NH

Acquisitions et collections


CNAP (French Public Collection), Paris , France

Art Jameel Collection, Dubai, UAE

The Cleveland Clinic Collection, Ohio and Abu Dhabi

Saradar Collection, Beirut Lebanon

Frans Masereel Centrumm, Belgium


La Fabrique des Illusions, catalogue d'exposition, Sursock Museum, 2019


Demirkazik, Gokcan, "Slow Light", Art Asia Pacific, August 2018                     Khoury, Gilles, "Daniele Genadry peint avec la lumiere", L'Orient le Jour, Aug 18, 2018
Quilty, Jim, "From Photo Flaws to painted light", interview, The Daily Star, Aug 17, 2018

Heron, Fergus, "Daniele Genadry: The Slip (Missing Real) - Photographers" Gallery Blog, August 24,
2017 Khoury, Gilles, "Quand cinq Libanais repensent et reinventent la photo en Slovenie..", L'Orient le Jour, Aug 8, 2017
Smith, William S., "Sharjah Biennial", Art in America, p140-141, May 2017.
Wilson-Goldie, Kaelen, "Downtown Express, Cairo," Art Forum Diary, April 3, 2017
Masters, HG, "Sharjah Biennial, Tamawuj: Day 5," Art Asia Pacific, March 15, 2017
Ussef, Sasha, "Works on Paper, Artists intervening in Lebanese Dailies", Ibraaz, March 31, 2017
Chalabi, Fares, "Canvas as Falling Light", critical text for Light Fall exhibition, January 2017

This is the Time. This is the Record of the Time, book ed. Angela Harutyunyan and Nat Muller. Artist contribution  pp 124-135. Published by American University of Beirut Press, 2016
Spencer, Samuel. "Group Exhibition at Lawrie Shabibi Explores the Loss of Heritage in the Modern Middle East", Blouin Artinfo, March 21, 2016.
Quilty, Jim. "Landscape Paintings of Impossible Views," The Daily Star , March 9, 2016.
Mallat, Dany. "La Mémoire Labourée, Puis Fragmentée, de Daniele Genadry", L'Orient le Jour, February 24, 2016
The Fall, Exhibition Catalogue, text by Walid Sadek, Sursock Museum, February 11, 2016

Quilty, Jim, "The Art of a Plane about to Crash", The Daily Star, April 17, 2015. 
Indrisek, Scott, "Five Must-See Gallery Shows in New York", Blouin Artinfo, September 21, 2015.
Missing Real, Exhibition Catalogue, critical text by Stefan Tarnowski, Taymour Grahne Gallery, September 2015.

Muller, Nat. "Beirut Again and Again: Journey through the Lebanese Art Scene". Stedelijk Journal, January 23, 2014.
Watson, Mike. "There is No Place Like Home", Art Review, December, 2014. 
Van Veslon, Vincent. "Three Artists Reflect on the Notion of Time", Stedelijk Journal, October 30, 2014. 
"Hard Copy: Johann Arens, Daniele Genadry, Jurgen Ots, Matteo Motin", ATP Diary, February 18, 2014. 
Abrams, Rachel. "Ping Pong: An Art and Literary Journal", pgs, 31-38, Big Sur, CA, 2014. 

Bronx Calling, 2nd AIM Biennial Exhibition Catalogue, The Bronx Museum, June 2013. 
Davidian, Edgar. "Exploration du patrimoine artistique libanais", L'Orient le Jour, August,18, 2013. 
Quilty, Jim. "Of Modernists and Elephants in the Room", The Daily Star, August 18, 2013. 
Dunn, Anna. "Diner Journal", Issue N25, 2013.

Powell, Freya. "Mnemosyne Atlas", December 2012. 
Nolan, Joe. "Photographic Memory", Art Now Nashville, March 27, 2012. 
Caldwell, Leah. "Daniele Genadry: In Memoriam of a Train Ride", Alakhbar English, June 4, 2012. 
Khalaf, Colette. "Prendre le train avec Daniele Genadry", L'Orient le Jour, May 25, 2012. 

Vlastara, Vassilis. "Utopia project archive 2006-2010 Catalogue", Diastasi, June 2011.

Milan, Marco. Artbook Beirut, Milan: Campari Italia S.p.a., ed. 150, 2010. 

Mosley, Matthew. "Subverting the tourist image to make art", The Daily Star, September 30, 2009. 
Zazal, Zena. "'La piscine' de Daniele Genadry, entre film et peintures", L'Orient le Jour, September 29, 2009. 
Trad, Elga. "Daniele Genadry, Hymne au Bleu de la Piscine", Femme Magazine, No. 128, October, 2009. 

Hinz, Britta. "showyourart", Volume_, 2008. 
P(R)AINT, Slade Painting Print Book, Ed. 40, 2008.

Invisible Miracles, Exhibition Catalogue, Mousse, 2007.

Expériences professionnelles, workshops et lectures

Assistant Professor, Department of Fine Arts and Art History
American University of Beirut, Lebanon 

Slow Light- Ghassan Salhab and Walid Sadek in conversation with Daniele Genadry. 
Lecture and conversation in the context of Slow Light Exhibition, Beirut Art Center 

Slow Light: the (dis)Appearing Image Invited Speaker, FAS Research Lunch, AUB 

This is the Time; This is the Record of the Time: Book Launch, Talks and Readings by contributors  Roundtable discussion at Sursock Museum 

Visiting Artist, BeMA Residency, Jezzine, Lebanon 
Invited to give lecture, Accidental Light: the failed photograph and critiques at Artist Residency  organized by APEAL and TAP 

Visiting Critic, Ashkal Alwan, Beirut, Lebanon 
Invited as outside evaluator in 6 days of critiques of the Homeworks fellows program (masters level and higher) 

Jury, ALBA University, Beirut, Lebanon
Review and Grading of of Fine Arts undergraduate and graduate students for their graduation degree 

Visiting Artist Workshop, ALBA University, Beirut, Lebanon Developed and led a 4-day Workshop: Processed View: Painting and the Photographic Image with undergraduate and masters fine art students  

Artist Lecture, February 25, 2016, Sursock Museum, Beirut Lebanon. 

Artist Lecture and workshop, Villa Lena Art Foundation, Tuscany, Italy 
Workshop: Seeing Land, collage and painting practices.  

Visiting Critic, Rhode Island School of Design, EHP, Rome, Italy Studio critiques with second year studio art majors

Visiting Critic, Cornell University, Final critiques, Rome Campus, Italy
Artist Lecture and Final evaluator/critiques with third year studio art majors 

Abbey Scholar, British School in Rome, Rome, Italy 
9 month research and production award at the BSR in Rome. Engaged with other scholars: artists, historians, archeologists, and architects, and presented research publicly in the form of a series of exhibition and talks.

Visiting Artist, University of Alabama in Hunstville, AL,
Public lecture and critiques with Painting and Installation studio art classes. 

Artist Lecture, Belmont University, Nashville, TN 

Visiting Artist, Dartmouth College, NH
Public lecture and critiques with studio art senior majors 

Artist-in-residence, Illuminating Cultures,Tate Britain, London, UK Introduced contemporary art practices into an interdisciplinary secondary school curriculum. 

Artist Ambassador, CUBITT Gallery and Education, London, UK  
Taught workshops in the Gallery Education Studio with secondary schools and the local community. 

Visiting Artist, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon Lecture and critiques for graphic design MFA candidates. 

Visiting Lecturer, Richmond University, London, UK
Lecture and critiques to undergraduates in paintings and media. 

Research Fellow, (Center of Behavioral Studies), American University of Beirut, Lebanon  
Conducted personal research and periodically presented work to graduate students and fellow researchers. TA for printmaking classes (Architecture and Design) 

Special Instructor, (Department of Studio Art), Dartmouth College,  Hanover, NH 
Assistant Teacher for two classes per term (total of 8 classes), ran studio hours and critiques for undergraduates. 

Artist in Residence, St. Paul's School, Baltimore, MD
Visited art classes, artist lecture and exhibition of recent work.