Damien Deroubaix
Sick bizarre defaced creation, 2011
Aquarelle, encre, acrylique et gravure sur bois sur papier
Unique artwork
Musée d'art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris Enquiries about work INV Nbr. DER..03500
In his large work on paper Sick Bizarre Defaced Creation, Deroubaix reinterprets a tale from ancient Persia : the Wak-Wak tree whose fruit are women who come out of their cases feet first. When the fruit are ripe, the women's hair tears off from the branch and they falll to the ground where they die screaming 'wak-wak'. In this work, the female heads on the tree share the traits of the Mermaid.
This macabre tree, on which also a few dollars notes are growing, is surrounded by a forest of microphones, recurring motifs in the artist's denunciation of voracious capitalism and the omnipresence of the media.
Catalogue Damien Deroubaix, HEADBANGERS BALL, édition des Musées de Strasbourg, 2018