Born in Knokke, BE in 1959
Lives and works in Paris, FR and in Liège, BE
Driven by the prospect of inventing new narrative devices, Patrick Corillon tells stories in a variety of artistic media. While each of these different artworks can stand alone, they all form part of one and the same universe: a mysterious world that views the questions of our time through the lens of a bygone, even legendary era.
Patrick Corillon’s objects – which one could very well come across in a museum of folklore or a conceptual art exhibition – stand out for their desire to convey, as simply as possible, stories that affect individuals and communities, the living and the dead.
Exhibitions and public art
In 2010-2011, he was a guest artist teacher at Le Fresnoy School.
He has exhibited at Documenta IX in 1992, at the Biennale de Sao-Paulo in 1994, in Lyon in 1995, in Sydney in 2002 and in Brussels in 2008.
His work has been shown in institutions such as the Tate Gallery, the Royal College of Art in London, the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels and Charleroi in Belgium, the Fondation De Appel et Witte de Witt in the Netherlands, the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, the Musée du Grand Hornu, etc.
In addition to In Situ, in the galleries Marconi (Milan), Massimo Minini (Brescia), Albert Baronian (Brussels), Modulo (Lisbon), Produtzenten (Hamburg), Yvon Lambert (Paris), Tania Rumpff (Haarlem).
He has made public commissions for : the Manufacture des Gobelins, the Royal Palace of Belgium, the Paris and Nantes Tramways, the Place Goldoni in Paris, the Brussels Parliament, the Ministry of Education of the Flemish Community, the Toulouse Metro, the Collegiate Church of Sainte-Waudru in Mons, the Cities of Sittard, Maastricht and Amstelveen in the Netherlands, the University of Metz, the Théâtre des Abesses in Paris.
Specific projects have been carried out for the Cartier Foundation, Nina Ricci, Kenzo, Novotel and Coca-Cola.
His works are in the public collections of the Centre Pompidou, the FNAC, the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, the FRAC Pays de Loire, PACA, Bourgogne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Limousin, Alsace, Picardie in France; the Museums of Contemporary Art of Antwerp, Ghent, Ixelles, the French Community in Belgium.
Living art
Living art
Since 2007, he has been investing in the field of the living arts with musical shows and performances that give pride of place to his objects and plastic creations. Books accompany some of these projects.
Le Diable abandonné, a lettrist fantasy in three paintings (three books, published by Éditions MeMo):
La Meuse obscure (production le corridor, Coproduction: Théâtre de la Place,
Scène Nationale du Granit in Belfort and LOD for the live musical version and in Dutch)
La forêt des origines, (production le corridor, Coproduction: Théâtre de la Place,
La Fabrique de Théâtre, S.P.A.S in La Bouverie)
L'horizon lent (production le corridor, Coproduction: Théâtre de la Place, La Fabrique de Théâtre, S.P.A.S à La Bouverie),
La Rivière Bien-Nommée, performance around a Kamishibai (production le corridor.); performed in February 2012 at the Théâtre de la Bastille in Paris.
Le Benshi d'Angers, graphic performance for Le Fresnoy (production Le Fresnoy et le corridor), performed in November 2011 at the Fondation Cartier in Paris.
Oskar Serti is going to the Concert. Why ? Musical evening for the Vienna Konzerthaus (Klangforum production), the Luxembourg and Cologne Philharmonies, Hellerau in Dresden.
Les aveugles, opera inspired by Maeterlinck's work, composed by Daan Janssens (production LOD, Coproduction Le Manège de Mons, L'ensemble Musiques Nouvelles, Théâtre de la Place, VocaalLAB, with the collaboration of the corridor) for the Festival Via in Mons March 2012 but also for the Singel in Antwerp, the Concertgebouw in Bruges, the Vooruit in Gent, etc.
Les images flottantes, Théâtre 140, Bruxelles, BE
La rivière bien nommée, Théâtre Gérard Philipe, Frouard, FR
Les images flottantes, Théâtre Gérard Philipe, Frouard, FR
La maison vague, Théâtre Gérard Philipe, Frouard, FR
Le zéro absolu (création), L'Onde, Vélizy-Villacoublay, FR
La maison vague, Théâtre Jean Arp, Clamart, FR
La maison vague, Théâtre de l'Agora, Scène nationale d'Evry et de l'Essonne, FR
Les images flottantes, Festival itinérant de la P'tite roulotte, Lozère, FR
La maison vague, Théâtre de Chur, CH
La maison vague, Carré, Scène Nationale Châtea-Gontier, FR
Les images flottantes, Musée d'Art moderne de Saint-Etienne, FR
La rivière bien nommée, Centre culturel d'Enghien, FR
Les images flottantes, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Genève, CH
La rivière bien nommée, Plan-les-Ouates, CH
La maison vague, Biennale Internationale des Arts de la Marionnette, Paris, FR
La rivière bien nommée, Bateau Feu, Scène Nationale Dunkerque, BE
L'appartement, Bateau Feu, Scène Nationale Dunkerque, BE
Les vies en soi, Manège, Scène Nationale Maubeuge, FR
Le vrai MuZee imaginaire, Mu.Zee d'Ostende, Ostende, BE
Ulysson et les couleurs de lune, Musée d'Art moderne de Villeneuve d'Ascq, Villeneuve d'Ascq, FR
L'Aurore, Musée portuaire de Dunkerque, Dunkerque, BE
Les Images flottantes, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Paris, FR
Les Images flottantes, Théâtre Le Passage, Fécamp, FR
Les Images flottantes, Musée d'Art moderne de Villeneuve d'Ascq, Villeneuve d'Ascq, FR
Les Images flottantes, l'Artothèque, Mons, BE
La Maison vague, Théâtre Le Passage, Fécamp, FR
La Maison vague, Bateau Feu, Scène Nationale Dunkerque, BE
Les Images flottantes, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris, FR
La Maison vague, De Grote Post, Ostende, BE
Performances, Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature
Le Benshi d'Angers, Musée d'Art moderne et contemporain de Strasbourg, FR
L'ermite ornemental, Halles de Schaerbeek, Bruxelles, BE
Le Diable abandonné, Chur, CH
Le Benshi d'Angers, Centre Culturel de Marchin, FR
Le Benshi d'Angers, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris, FR
Les Aveugles opéra d'après l'oeuvre de Maurice Maeterlinck, Théâtre de la Monnaie, Bruxelles, BE
Musée d'Art Moderne et contemporain, La Haye, NL
La rivière bien nommée, Fundamental Monodrama Ferstival, LU
La rivière bien nommée, tournée CCAS, Savoie, FR
La rivière bien nommée, Festival Bonus, Hédé, Rennes, FR
Le Benshi d'Angers, Printemps de Septembre, Toulouse, FR
L'ermite ornemental, MUDAM, LU
Rétrospective du personnage «Oskar Serti», Gemeente Museum de la Haye, NL
La rivière bien nommée, In Situ - fabienne leclerc, Paris, FR
Le diable abandonné, Théâtre de la place, Liège, BE
Planches de salut, In Situ - fabienne leclerc, Paris, FR
Les Oblomonds, Centre National de la Danse, Pantin, FR
Le musée d'Oskar Serti, Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Belfort, FR
Le musée d'Oskar Serti, La Galerie du Granit, Belford, FR
Les pensées poissons de Partick Corillon, MAC's, Musée du Grand Hornu, Mons, BE
La vie des pentes, BF15, Place des Terreaux, Lyon, FR
Les compagnies parasites, Université libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, BE
Musée de Chaumont, Champagne-Ardennes, Chaumont, FR
L'atelier des attentions, Relation patient-médecin. Maison Radio-France, Paris, FR
Patrick Corillon, In Situ - fabienne leclerc, Paris, FR
Image au centre, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Tours, FR
Iconoclasme, Cité de Carcassonne, FR
Un Coquelicot dans la ville, with Kenzo, 15 locations in Paris, FR
Group exhibitions
Cabinet d'art extra-terrestre, L'Observatoire de l'Espace du CNES, Paris, FR
LAB#2, Hors Catégories, Villa Sauber, NMNM - Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, MC
O! Watt up, Maison d?Art Bernard Anthonioz, Nogent-sur-Marne, FR
En marge, In Situ - fabienne leclerc, Paris, FR
Images et Mots depuis Magritte, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris, FR
Un musée imaginé. Et si l'art disparaissait ?, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Paris, FR
Arts du livre, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris, FR
Nuit Blanche, Paris, FR
Panorama 13, Le Fresnoy- Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing, FR
Voyage sentimental 1, Maison de le Culture d'Amiens, Amiens, FR
30 ans du Meymac, 30 ans - Pas nécessaire et pourtant indispensable, Abbaye Saint-André Centre d'art contemporain, Meymac, FR
Biennale de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, BE
Septiformis, Cathédrale St Michel de Bruxelles, Belgium Corpus Delicti, Palais de Justice de Bruxelles, BE
Tour et Taxi, Bruxelles, BE
Public commissions
1988: - Jacinte, R.T.B.F.
1992: - Les Visions d'Oskar Serti
1993: - Le plafond d'Oskar Serti
1994: - La Voisine de Victor Brauner, Centre Georges Pompidou.
1995: - Trois Suites pour Piano
1998: - La Platitude
1998: - La Platitude
Cornand, Brigitte."Les Visions de P.C.". Le Jour, Mar. 1993.
Antoine Wiertz, Beaux Arts Magazine, May 1989
The Transparency Effect, Flash Art, Nov./Dec. 1990
Le Rapport langston, Beaux Arts Magazine, Dec. 1990
Le Musée Jacques Lizène, Arte Factum, Feb./Mar. 1991
Der Streit um den Patroklos, jahresring 38, Oct. 1991
Il n'y a pas d'artistes wallons, La Libre Belgique, 18 Dec. 1992
ACR France Culture : « L'ascension du Palais de Tokyo »
After the reception for the 2012 Pilar Juncosa et Sotheby's prize, Inauguration of «dans l'amitié de mes genoux», a permanent exhibit in the gardens of the Pilar et Joan Miro Foundation in Palma (presentation of the book «dans l'amitié de mes genoux»)
- Centre Pompidou, FR
- Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, FR
- Manufacture des Gobelins, FR
- FRAC Pays de Loire, FR
- FRAC Languedoc-Roussillon, FR
- FRAC Alsace, FR
- FRAC Limousin, FR
- FRAC Bourgogne, FR
- FRAC Picardie, FR
- Musée d'Art Contemporain d'Anvers, FR
- Musée d'Art Contemporain de Gand, FR
- Communauté Française de Belgium, FR
- Musée d'Ixelles, BE
- Polk Muséum, Florida, US
Patrick Corillon has affinities with Borges and the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa whose art consisted in creating imaginary characters. friends, acquaintances far whom he constructed entire lives, and with whom he maintained close relationships.
In the same way, Patrick Corillon has created same ten different characters which he develops from exhibition to exhibition by dropping tiny hints of their biographies. At first, their identities were not revealed. But, in 1988, the artist brusquely changed the rules of the game by lifting the veils of anonymity from these fictitious characters of another age, like Oskar Serti, a Hungarian writer, born 1881, died 1959. In the manner of a top reporter, Patrick Corillon plays with the figure of an artist travelling from spot to spot in order to realise exhibitions relating critical episodes and romantic adventures from the lives of each of the invited characters. It's an image of art as adventure, as risk, along with a reference to the imaginary worlds of childhood.
From scene to scene, the characters bounce back in different guises, caught in the act at any time or place, like in a television series, or Hergé comic that doesn't require any chronological reading of its heroes escapades : a savoraus metaphor of the work itself. A work that runs counter to the times, unveiling itself chastely, bit by bit, without ever giving in to the image. This is an open work, in the sense Umberto Eco gives to the term, an unending unfolding, a hypertext which opens out to infinity. At the same time, you could just pass by these pieces without even seeing them, so closely do they cling to the context, adapting the written word as their obligatory code of access.
Far from being a destabilising trick, Patrick Corillon's trivial anecdotes and insignificant slices of his characters day-to-day existence all have roots in the places where they come to life. For this artist, fiction is a postulate of reality, not an escape from the real, but a way of coming closer to it. A method of investigation.
In an unassuming way, Patrick Carillon gives the viewer back the active role he took an with Duchamp, as reader of contemporary art. The role of the actor who brings the work to life. His anecdotes formulate punctual screens of mental images far the individual. To render visible the invisible, to project one's own cinema: this is the artist's invitation. But only for those who know how to read, who know how to see. To be continued.
03.28.2025 - 03.30.2025
Patrick Corillon
L'Observatoire de l'Espace du Cnes
Patrick Corillon - Cabinet d'art extra-terrestre
07.06.2023 - 07.13.2023
Patrick Corillon
Patrick Corillon - Festival d'Avignon
03.17.2023 - 03.19.2023
Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil, Patrick Corillon
Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil, Patrick Corillon : Avec l'Espace vol. 2
05.21.2022 - 08.27.2022
Patrick Corillon
Fondation Vandenhove
Patrick Corillon - Le Songe de Torrentius
10.20.2019 - 10.20.2019
Patrick Corillon
16h - PERFORMANCE / Patrick Corillon - Une histoire sentimentale de la ventriloquie
10.14.2019 - 11.01.2019
Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil, Patrick Corillon, Damien Deroubaix, Mark Dion, Gary Hill, Florence Paradeis, Bruno Perramant, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige, Patrick Tosani, Laurent Tixador, Martin Dammann, Meschac Gaba, Marcel Van Eeden, Otobong Nkanga, Vivien Roubaud, Lars Fredrikson / Estate, Constance Nouvel, Amir Nave, Ramin Haerizadeh, Rokni Haerizadeh, Hesam Rahmanian, Daniele Genadry, WE ARE THE PAINTERS
October 14th until December 1st. 2019
STOP - Collective exhibition of the artists represented by the Gallery
09.19.2019 - 09.19.2019
Patrick Corillon
Patrick Corillon - Le voyage en Belgique
06.19.2018 - 06.20.2018
Patrick Corillon
Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles
L'ombre du scarabée
01.26.2018 - 03.18.2018
Patrick Corillon
Villa Sauber
LAB#2 - Hors Catégories
01.17.2017 - 01.29.2017
Patrick Corillon
01.14.2017 - 03.18.2017
Patrick Corillon
12.13.2016 - 12.13.2016
Patrick Corillon
10.19.2016 - 03.27.2017
Patrick Corillon
09.20.2015 - 09.20.2015
Patrick Corillon