Lynne Cohen / Estate
Laboratory, fin 90/2000
44.8 x 57 inch ( 54.7 x 67 inch framed )
Edition of 5 ex
Lynne Cohen / Estate
Laboratory, fin 90/2000
Solo Exhibition view :
Lynne Cohen : Depth on the Surface
(Curated by Bert Danckaert & Joachim Naudts)
Foto Museum (FOMU) Anvers, 2020 - 2021
Lynne Cohen / Estate
Laboratory, fin 90/2000
Solo Exhibition view :
Lynne Cohen : Depth on the Surface
(Curated by Bert Danckaert & Joachim Naudts)
Foto Museum (FOMU) Anvers, 2020 - 2021
Lynne Cohen / Estate
Laboratory, fin 90/2000
Solo Exhibition view :
Lynne Cohen : Depth on the Surface
(Curated by Bert Danckaert & Joachim Naudts)
Foto Museum (FOMU) Anvers, 2020 - 2021
Lynne Cohen / Estate
Laboratory, fin 90/2000
Solo Exhibition view :
Lynne Cohen : Depth on the Surface
(Curated by Bert Danckaert & Joachim Naudts)
Foto Museum (FOMU) Anvers, 2020 - 2021
Lynne Cohen / Estate
Laboratory, fin 90/2000
Exibition view :
"Lynne Cohen - Double aveugle"
Curated by : Marc Donnadieu
Maison Populaire, Montpellier, France, 2019
From physical to virtual laboratories
Revealing the invisible
The laboratories of Lynne Cohen show installations in which dummies simulate humans. Their human-like appearance is imbued with a disturbing familiarity that already fascinated the surrealist artists. As for Marina Gadonneix’ laboratories, they are highly specialized to research natural phenomena, such as the transmission of soundwaves, the behavior of water or the effects of strong winds on buildings.
What both types of laboratories have in common is that scientists deduct knowledge from observing physical events. They use imaging technology to study them in isolated, simplified conditions, where they are able to detect details otherwise invisible. By reversing the look, Cohen and Gadonneix show that our knowledge of the physical world is based on a set of predefined research questions and methods.
Extract from the press kit of the exhibition Laboratories / Observatories, Centre Pompidou, 2023